Thursday, November 12, 2009

Iceweb Spider Silk

So, today I noticed that there was a Big inflation of Iceweb Spider Silk on my server[Smolderthorn]. As i need the mats for my proffesions, as do many other people, I decided to A) not pay for my silk anymore and B) get in on this gravey train.

I did a little research and found out lvl 76 spiders in Zul'Durak drop the silk, located around (38, 55). So i headed there. I farmed for half an hour, because all the math is easy if i just multiply my results by 2. These are my findings:

30 mins. = 30 Iceweb Spider Silk, 20g in greys, 3 greens.

30 Iceweb x 12g at the AH = 360g.

i DE'd the greens and got 22 Infinite Dust, 3 Greater Cosmic Essence, 4 lesser Cosmic

At the AH the enchanting mats got me:

3 Greater x 14g = 42g
4 Lesser x 6.95g = 27.8
20 Infinte Dust = 50g/stack

Total Profit = 474.8g ( AFTER 5% AH CUT)

474.8g x 2 = 949.6 gold per hour.

As i've noticed, the supply for the silk is not as great as, lets say frostweave. BUT they do yield a large margin of profit, so if you spread the items evenly throughout a week in the AH. So you can view it as an hour's worth of your time every week = 950g a week.

**sidenote*** done as an enhance shaman, grey profit amount calculated AFTER repairs


  1. Nice job so far, Rasta! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hey, welcome to the Blogosphere. I'll be sure to add you to my blog roll sometime soon.
